정재원 사진


2004년 경희대학교 간호과학대학 학사
2013년 서울대학교 간호대학 석사
2019년 서울대학교 간호대학 박사


2004-2017 경희대학교 병원 간호사(정신건강의학과)
2018-2019 경희대학교 간호과학대학 초빙교수
2019-2021 세명대학교 간호학과 조교수(정신간호학)

관심연구영역· 연구분야

조현병, 정신간호, 간호교육, 질적연구방법


-Kang, K. I., Lee, N & Joung, J. (2021). Nursing students' experience of online peer tutoring based on the grow model: A qualitative study. Nurse Education Today, 107(105131)
-Joung, J. W., Kim, B. H., Choi, D., Kim E., Kim J., Shin, Y. & Kim, S. (2021). Transformation from Marginalization to Society’s Agent: A Narrative Inquiry on Experiences of Art Activity among People with Mental Illness. Issues in Mental Health Nursing, 1-8
-Joung, J., Kim, B., Kim J., Lee, K., & Kim, S. (2021). “Moving forward despite adversity”: The lives of Korean older adults with schizophrenia. Archives of Psychiatric Nursing, 35, 243-249
-Joung, J., Kang, K. I., Yoon, H., Lee, J., Lim, H., Cho, D., Cha, M., & Choi, B. (2020). Peer mentoring of nursing students based on the caring perspective: A qualitative study. Nurse Education Today, 94, 6
-Choi. D., Joung, J., Kim, E. & Kim, S. (2020). "Entry to the Society from the Schizophrenic Cave"-A Qualitative Meta-Synthesis of Job Experiences for People with Schizophrenia. Issues In Mental Health Nursing, 41(10), 14
-Lee, S., Joung, J. & Shin, S. (2020). Effects of Fumanet exercise on Korean older adults with dementia. Japan Journal of Nursing Science, 17(1), 8
-Joung, J. & Park, Y. (2019). Exploring the Therapeutic Communication Practical Experience of Mental Health Nurses. Journal of Korean Academy of Psychiatric and Mental Health Nursing, 28(4), 321-332
-Kang, K. I., Kim, C. & Joung, J. (2019). Risk Factors Influencing Frequency of Suicidal Ideation in Korean Middle School Students: Applying Zero-Inflated Negative Binomial Regression Model. The Korean Journal of stress research. 27(3). 232-239
-Joung, J. & Kang K. I. (2019). Stress and Coping of Recovering Alcoholics in Communities. The Korean Journal of stress research, 27(3), 277-286
-Joung, J., Jang, M. Y. & Shin, S. H. (2018). The Mediating Effect of Internalized Stigma on the Relationship between Hospitalization Stress and Quality of Life among Patients with Mental Illness in a Closed Ward. Journal of East-West Nursing Research, 24(1), 70-80
-Joung, J. & Kim, S. (2017). An Integrative Review of Life Events in Early Schizophrenia. The Korean Journal of stress research. 25(3), 170-178
-Joung, J. & Han, J. (2017). Validity and Reliability of a Korean Version of Nurse Clinical Reasoning Competence Scale. Journal of the Korea Academia-Industrial cooperation Society, 18(4). 304-310
-Joung, J. & Kim, S. (2017). Effects of a Relapse Prevention Program on Insight, Empowerment and Treatment Adherence in Patients with Schizophrenia. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, 47(2), 188-198
-Joung, J., Jang, M. Y., Shim, J., Ko, Y. & Shin, S. H. (2017). Difficulties in Caring for Psychiatric Patient as Experienced by Non-Psychiatric Nurses. Journal of Korean Academy of Nursing, 47(1), 49-59